Get What You Want in 7 Powerful Steps | Page Concept

In my most recent columns, we’ve covered issues about improving your business and marketing, but today let’s start right at the beginning.

But how can you get what you want in just seven powerful steps.

Starting your own business…

You’re really getting tired of the 9 to 5 “rat race” and thinking about chucking it for your own business?

All your friends keep telling you that you could do for yourself just what you’re doing now for your boss. Why shouldn’t you profit from your ideas instead of him?

You keep thinking about it because you know that you’ll never be financially where you want to be with a weekly paycheck, but what business would you start?

Get What You Want in 7 Powerful Steps

Before you pack in that weekly paycheck, this is the time to evaluate yourself and your future and it takes some real, down to heart honesty.

You want to change your life for the better, so let’s start…

Did you know that you have the potential to do and be anything you want?

People have different perceptions of the ideal life, and it ranges from obtaining financial freedom to as simple as owning a new pair of sneakers. Unfortunately, many fail to reach their aspirations because they can’t get a solid, clear picture in their mind of what they want.

Take the next few days and embark on a fact-finding journey that will be a life-changing experience.

Take the short quiz to find out where you stant in the competitive online world as an entrepreneur!

Get a pad and pencil and start with this first step:

STEP 1 – KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT – Be specific in your passions, then focus all your efforts on that particular desire.

Those who always change their minds and those who give up easily when the going gets tough will never get anywhere.

If you’re a bit confused and aren’t sure what you really want in life answer these questions:

  1. What makes your heartbeat with excitement?

  2. What makes you happy?

  3. What are you constantly thinking of day and night?

  4. What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

  5. What do you enjoy doing?

  6. What are your obsessions?

  7. What things make you jump for joy?

Write down all your possible answers to the above questions. Write down everything, no matter how silly or unimportant it seems.

Put all your desires on paper that answers any of the above questions.

Get What You Want in 7 Powerful Steps


STEP 2: When that’s done, go back and circle five to seven items that interest you the most. When you follow your passion,everything else seems lika a process. But think that the start-middle-end has to do with your biggest passion.

Make a clear self-agreement that you would choose the same passion after 5 years. If you’re not sure,that’s ok,take your time and think  of the whys not the hows. Why would you go for that? Why do I believe it’s the best for my?Why is this my biggest passion?Would I do it for free?

Now let’s move on to the next step.

STEP 3: Evaluate and choose with your heart, not your mind, the one and only thing worthy to spend all your time and resources on and that brings out the best in you. Because that’s exactly what happens when you start your own business. It’s ok to be confused. We all have different passions when it comes to hobbies and fun, but the one think you could turn it into income is going to stand out for you.

STEP 4: Expand your most exiciting idea,create “branches” ,what could you do with that idea?Write down, 2-3 possible businessess that you could go with. Don’t get scared or in to much detail(many things change overtime),be bold in giving birth to your own thing. That business can thrive and ultimately give you the freedom you want.

STEP 5: Research your idea, take a look at other similar successes online, what do they do? How do they do it? What are their followers like most about that business?

Start by taking notes before you begin, what articles regarding your idea sound compelling to you? what can you come up with to make it match more of your brand and idea? what resources  can you implement for your business?

After you write down these answers, analyse them carefully. The decide which one is the best step to start with?

STEP 6: Choose the next best move, you are able to act on, don’t make it big” oh, i got aaaaall these things to do !”,

you’ll soon get overwhelmed instead say”what is the next best move?”. Prioritize tasks and make sure you accomplish 3 of them every day.This is extremely important!

Finish 2-3 tasks daily.You want your business to grow and flourish as fast as possible, spend the rest of the day doing other things or responsibilities or family and relaxation.

STEP 7: Determine&do the hardest first. When you want to start your own professional jurney,you’re the boss and the employee at the same time.

Organize tasks,pick three and DO them.

Research your topic and make clear decisions about your future tasks.It is challenging but is also possible.Try not to procrastinate over  the hard ones.

As soon as you finish them,there’s a great filling of self “instant gratification”,you’re proud of yourself and you should be!

Your entrepreneurial journey is going to face plenty of ups and downs and that’s ok. It’s suppose to be. It’s much more rewarding when you know it is You that did it all. It is yours and for you. You manage time,tasks,profits or losses.

No one stays behind your shoulder telling you what to do,how or when. You are your own boss!

Now you may wind up with something like, “I want to play quarterback for the RAMS.” If you’re over 20 I’d say that isn’t too viable a choice, but you could do something related to football or sports.

How about starting a sports publication?

Or perhaps a sporting goods retail business, sports memorabilia business(How to Start a Sport Memorabilia Business), or even a gym could be the answer.

If you don’t know where to start when you first build a website check out this article and here is a  easy step-by-step tutorial on how to create your website, how to register and start designing your website.

You can always read books and surf the internet to help you with your search.

The most important thing to remember, no matter how “pie in the sky” it seems, is to USE YOUR HEART. Others may disagree with you, but you should be firm with what you really want. Others may offer comments or advice, but the final decision is always yours to make.

If anything,you are the only responsible of the outcome.

You should concentrate on what you want, not what others want.

Remember you only get one shot at living your life. There are no replays and you don’t get to do it over. You may not do it right, but at least you’re doing it.

Too many lives have been lived in quiet desperation waiting until – until they had saved a nest egg, until the children are out of school until they retire, and they depart this life before “until” ever arrives…

Don’t go to sleep tonight without making a decision on WHAT YOU REALLY WANT IN LIFE MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.

I’m not shouting)), i’m stressing out the most important decision that can change your life.

Remember, you’re not too late or too early, you’re just in time to make a change in your life.

Spend a few days evaluating, how to accomplish those first steps and make a living out of it while enjoing your passion.

Begin living every day as if it’s the last day you had – never leaving anything to be done next week, next month, or next year, but now, you’ll surely find other things to do then.

There will always be bills, things will always break down eventually and need replacing, there may be storms and earthquakes and repairs – but there will only be one life for you to live.

It can’t be put on “hold”!

Time doesn’t wait for anyone.

The final outcome of your efforts may be far in the future, but you’re living each day by taking steps toward that outcome. Always have your ultimate vision in your day-to-day activities.

If you Need some Free Self-Improvement Tips follow this blog here:


There’s a lot of valuable articles that might give you the boost you need to start.

By completing these steps you will be on the right path to ja permanent financial freedom, but most importantly you get to decide your work hours, paychecks, your important tasks and your vacations.😎

So get fearless and take the desicion to own your life today. Take that decisive leap & you will never regret, you are mostly regreting the things you didn’t do.

That question we all have-you don’t want your life full of what ifs?

Take your failures as lessons and stop at nothing, thank yourself later.

Check out these other articles:

1 Single Ability to Increase Sales | Bonus Article

Secrets Of Million Dollar Sales Letters

How to Drive Healthy Organic Traffic to Your Site

Best Way to Deal With Your Giveaways, How to “Deal” With Freebies

How to Find Interesting New Age Products

Thanks for reading!

  • Love this post!👌👏👏💕

  • Jennifer Phillips says:

    I really enjoy this article!

  • Gustie Cirillo Sayers says:

    You need courage to stay motivated while you’re failing.
    Great post btw!

  • Brian O'Conell says:

    “If you know the why,you can endure almost everything”…who said that?
    thanks for the post!

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