Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers and Profit | Page Concept

Generating Leads and Getting Them to become your Subscribers

How do you turn your simple visitors into subscribers?


Many businesses employees use various methods, let’s talk about these…

1) Using Internet Marketing and Advertising


Most businesses are into putting up advertisements in other websites and search engines.

For example…

Each time a person searches for a topic similar to the one being discussed on your site or when there is an article in your site that matches the words they used, some ads displayed are also related to the topic,like the image below:

Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers | Page Concept


The great thing about this type of marketing is that it does not cost much. All you need is to research keywords using one of the many keyword searching tools. I have reviewed some of the best research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, AIOSEO, Yoast SEO,SEMRush, in these reviews I explain the step-by-step details to setup and use.

Usually, advertisers such as Google charge business owners only for the times when the advertisement is clicked. Therefore, it is very cost-efficient and you do not have to pay for the times when the ad is not generating traffic to your site.

You might already know ads are somehow annoying,it’s important to place a relevent ad, i.e. if you sell baby products then place your ad in a website for new moms or a blog for mom-to-be blog.

Internet marketing covers a broad range of  promoting your business like social media,video marketing,press release,blogging and more, but for now i’ll go with ads and email marketing.

If you own a website maybe you should look for Ezoic.

Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers | Page Concept

1)Using Ad Marketing

I will have a separate post included somwhere on this site…but essentially Ezoic is an advertising platform that pays you for showing niche-specific ads on your site.

You can customize anything about your ad like sizes,placements,adjust colors, and discuss with their support about anything you don’t want on a specific page or post.

You can manage the ad placements for evey page or post, they even have their own AI(artificial intelligence) software that picks the most probable spots for people to click on a page.

After you placed someone’s ad on your site, a visitors clicks on them and you get paid.

The simple math with Ezoic is every single time someone clicks on those ads you get a commision.

The only requirement to be accepted by Ezoic is to have at least 10 000 sessions per month(visitors-and of course to not have adult content on your site etc.). That’s pretty low compared to Mediavine’s 25 000 or AdThrive’s 100 000, however it’s still 10 000.

AdSense doesn’t have any minimum traffic requirements.

Most of the other Ad Platforms have much higher requirements for being accepted. For example, your traffic must be mainly from the USA.

Therefore, Ezoic is often the only option (apart from AdSense) for non-US websites.


Another powerful and widely used marketing tool is email marketing so let’s move on…

2) Email Marketing

Some people say that email marketing is old, that’s such a big lie, while you get major companies,big brands and succesfuls’s entrepreneurs emails in your inbox,others are trying to make you believe this strategy is dead-maybe because they want to free up some space in the email-marketing arena for themselves…

But another way to add new people to your subscriber’s list, is to send email messages to individuals.

Of course, your email must have content that are related to what your site offers.

E-mail marketing is a great way to connect with your audience at a much more personal level.

When your offer or service lands on their inbox, make sure they know why they received it!

No one wants to deal with unknown senders or coupons they do not need in the first place….so, yeah, you want to grow a list, approaching a targeted audience upfront.

After that you want your subscribers to engage with your content(product,services,offers) actively. To do that you need to create an enticing email sequence that will enable them to take action(add action buttons/links to your emails) and have subscribers expect further emails from you.

Inside your marketing emails connect with your subscribers.

Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers and Profit | Page Concept


You can do the same in your sales pages,give a free ebook or a subscriber only-discount, to persuade your audience to subscribe.

At the end of the email message, you can place in an invitation to subscribe to your site, and a short message of what’s in it for subs-only if they do.

Create a sales page in your website and let people learn more about your brand through social sharing…

It is a non-costly way in which you can entice more readers to become devoted members of your site.

If for some reason you don’t have the time to create and send emails, choose an email automation software that takes care of that. Bellow there are some of the platforms that offer automation.

An email sequence that sends out your emails automatically. You get to set up the times and dates you want people to receive your emails.

The email marketing automation is a service provided by many platforms (free versions are also availble e.g. aWeber)- it is used by millions of marketing agencies, entrepreneurs, online businesses,e-shops and so on.aWeber offers a free plan for your first 500 subs.You can automate your emails using their free set of tools and export your list anytime or upgrade your plan for more services.

Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers and Profit | Page Concept

Another great email automation software is SendPulse.

SendPulse (this is another popular option worth considering) because its free plan is certainly more attractive. With SendPulse’s free plan, you can send up to 15,000 emails to up to 2,500 subscribers each month.

Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers and Profit | Page Concept

Do you need other examples? Check out NeverBounce’s article with great examples of Best Free Email Marketing Alternatives.

When is email automation used?

Well, since you own a list of subscribers interested in your offers, you can start sending automated emails right away.

Automation is mostly for people that want to “keep a constant connection” with their audience by sending them on  a regular bases emails with exclusive coupons,subscriber-only discounts, affiliate offers or live webinars,videos and more.

This is the fun part, once you’re done editing your emails add them to an email sequence and let the automated workflow do its thing.

If your subscribers like what they get,they are going to stay in your list for a long long time and that will benefit your business. Keep your audience happy and excited to recieve future emails from you.

Now let’s find out how people can find your content to subscribe to your mail list.

But how do you create content that people search for?

3)Search Wanted Content

The reason why people would want to click on your advertisements or links whether in search engines, other websites or in email messages, is that they are looking for the information, which you may have on your site.

Thus, you will have to look for these people while they are also doing the same…

I’ll leave some clues on where to search, further down.

However,remember that marketing advertising is a win-win situation. The person finds the information needed, opts in your newsletter, and you getto grow your subscriber(s) list.

It also does not cost much – it is only charged on a pay per-click(PPC) basis and usually in bulk or per thousand clicks.

With heaps of advertising choices everywhere, I suggest you start with your SEO evaluation. There are plenty of articles here about some of the best keyword research tools you can start using to improve your articles for search engines(SEO), make sure everything is in place for a successful marketing plan.

You can explore some of these keyword tools one by one on top of this post, clicking the links will take you to my detailed reviews plus a tutorial is available with images on how to use every tool.

People use  keyword tools all the time,because these are exposing a list of what specific words do people use when they search for something. If you want a target audince you need one.

Remember that keywords do magic and content is King!

You can search for a website called “Answer the public“, add a niche-related  word and find out what questions people have about that subject or start creating articles based on those questions. There’s a free version as well.




Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers and Profit | Page Concept


Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers and Profit | Page Concept


You can go for Google Trends and compare your findings by popularity,demographics or niche-interest precentage and start creating from there.

Perhaps you  want to delegate this task to a professional  freelancer. A freelancer will commit 100% into finding you the highest ranking keywords,create and provide you with a list, you can leverage and start creating content like articles based on these keywords or new offers, emails etc..

A freelancer is not as expensive as you think, there are $5-$10 gigs you can apply for or hire a writer at iWriters.com and get more for your $$. At iwriters.com you get an expert’s writer content, befoare placing an order,you get to select the number of words, your keywords the type of the article like communicative or professional and other article specific details, or you can order a product description and much more.

However your approach might be,consider creating compelling articles,blog posts or offers.  You want to attract your ideal customer and not everyone is your client. Not everyone is interested in your content.

Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers | Page Concept

Therefore,you want to narrow down your niche and focus on the solution that your business is offering, add your magic keywords and start advertising on that.

What do I have to do to attract people to become my subscribers?

Ask your self several questions like: what problems do I solve with my product or service?

What are people missing out by not owning my product?

Why should people use my product?

How is my product going to make people’s lifes easier?

You get where I’m going…

You turn your visitors into subscribers when you offer something that is a need for people when they are searching for a solution you have.

Of course,some people would subscribe just for fun-it dosen’t matter as long as they read your content,others have trust issues and need time to get familiar with your product or service.

In both cases these people are intersted,a target audience that will create you a list of potential customers.

Bottom line the best way to turn simple visitors into loyal subscribers and potential cusomers is to give something that’s a need on the market today,using a free sign up form or a good-looking landing page(check out this article-10 Best (REALLY FREE) Landing Page Builders in 2021) or a funnel to get their email address.

And start building a relationship with them. Keep them interested in your content and don’t forget to update and upload new posts. Much less complicated when you’re using a automated email sequence with pre-created newsletters,pre-made sales pages and tailored offers where you only complete sentences with your own links and business details.

Overall conclusion, online marketing has many branches. You can leverage every option to expand your business online.

See what works best for you in terms of advertising and work on that.

Social & email marketing is a great solution to let people know about your new posts,products and services.

Turn Your Visitors into Subscribers | Page Concept

Ads and email marketing are amongst most powerful after types of marketing. Make sure to have the right keywords to insert in your writing. If you invest your marketing and re-target campaigns(lookalike audiences), will definitely entice a group of people to click and subscribe to receive your content.



However, let me ask youTurn Your Visitors into Subscribers and Profit | Page Concept

What kind of marketing strategy are you using?

Have you tried any of these keyword research tools?

What social media streams are you using?





Thanks for reading!



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  • Vernom Truder says:

    A website with subscibers needs real hustle,not that any other buizz dont.A subscription site needs to be tailored in a way that people are not getting away with services and webinars provided.The recurring payments are a headache.

  • gooood,feeling motivated yet?

  • Diana Simson says:

    It’s a big challenge really(how and why one approaches is very important) ,not only this but the group of people you attract in your space,not everyone is interested.
    You hit some big issues in this post,i suggest email marketing for gethering addresses and move from there.

  • Best Ways To "Deal" With Your Giveaways And Freebies | Page Concept – says:

    Good peanuts!Thanks!😍♥♥

  • Great post, email marketing sounds like a great option.

  • Youney J. says:

    i recently stopped using pph because of the new payment system they launched,you haven’t mention
    as a freelancer you need 17-19 days to get your money,and that’s at least tragic

  • love this tool so much,worths every penny!

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